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Death of Prince Brings Wills to the Forefront

The recent death of music legend Prince has brought the topic of wills to the forefront. His sister filed documents stating that Prince did not have a will. Now the court is working to determine how to divide his estimated $300 million estate among his siblings and half-siblings.

This situation highlights the importance of writing a will. Whether or not you have children, it is important to determine who will inherit your assets upon your death. Without a will, state law will determine how your assets are divided. That means increased cost and possible heartache for your family members. Without a will, your property cannot be left to a friend or charity; only certain family members will inherit.

The experienced lawyers at Leonard Sciolla can guide you through the process of planning your estate and writing your Pennsylvania or New Jersey will regardless of your marital status, number of children and net worth. Contact John Leonard or Heidi Anderson at (215) 567-1530.


Published May 16, 2016

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